Monday 22 December 2008



mysteriousal said...

call me wet trampoline she said today. well i was too busy with my hand.
shake well before use she said but you never touch me anymore.
i was busy listening for phone sex
coming through the back door. in skin-tight trunks. and we all went mental...
and danced.

i get my kicks on channel six. i get my kicks on channel six...
to the off-peak...electricity.
and the light blinds my eyes. and i feel dirty.
and the light blinds my eyes. and i in my faith.
here comes christ on crutches.
and here comes another god. here comes another god like a buffalo thunder
with a...smell of sugar...and a velvet tongue...and designer voodoo.
and i got phone sex to see me through the emptiness in my 501s.
freeze-dried with a new religion. and my teeth stuffed back in my head.

Jeff Metal said...

blue skies, palm trees and rollercoasters... *cries*

Seeing as it's Christmas i'll 'llow your poem. It's actually a pretty good one too :)

S T A R S K I said...

Merry X'Mas Jeffu! =)