Saturday 21 February 2009

?? cups of wine, 2 large bottles of pear cider, 1/2 a gin & tonic, 3 beers and 5 shots of sambuca.

Thursday evening started off well. I volunteered to help at the free bar for the 2nd year part-time MA Photography student's interm show. Check out my welcoming display of red wine and nuts...


my nuts

people came and checked out the work. Splendid.

Hot girls in my class are definitely not what I need when studying on my MA degree. Completely unnecessary and distracting.

Look, there goes another one. Oh, that's my tutor, Hi Anne.

Diego, step away, it's not going to happen.

Right, so that was the show over, all the alcohol disappeared by about 8:00. I probably shouldn't have taken on the policy of 'one for you, one for me'. Oh well. Next a bunch of us headed east to the land of pubs.

Check it out, I played beer Jenga with Beth Orton!

She was wearing a hi-tech hands-free straw phone. As were these two...

"Hello?" "Das ist uber fantastiche" etc

Then there was a bit of a gap, I think more drinking happened, not sure but this is the next picture, so we must have gone to East Village to see Benga & Skream play.

De ner ner ner ner ner ner Benga man!

This is the bit where I think things went a bit wrong. Enter Primecuts and a bottle of Sambuca.


Skream, WRONG.

Benga, WRONG!

Me? well yes, I went very wrong. No more photos, show's over. goodnight.

Many thanks to the cab driver.

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