Saturday, 13 September 2008


(sorry I almost forgot to write in this post! So lazy) Anyway err, what happened, oh yea, I went to Fabric with primecuts to check out Benga who was playing in room 3. I've never seen that room so packed in all my life. At one point there were those type of crowd surges you get at festivals and heavy metal gigs where you think you might end up on the floor and getting trampled on. Brilliant.

We then headed over to room 1 where Q-bert was entertaining about 10 people. Now don't get me wrong, Q-Bert is arguably one of the best scratch dj's in the world if not the best. He has contributed such a great deal to the evolution of turntable based music and I'm sure been an ispiration to every scratch DJ. Unfortunately time has moved on and Q-Bert hasn't. Putting on a 10 minute repeating beat and scratching over the top of it (no matter how technical and funky) just doesn't cut it anymore in a club.
Anyway, luckily the room filled out for the boys and they smashed it apart as usual with MC Wrec. I took a couple of pics to try out me new lens...

120% darkside justice.

One amusing moment of the evening was when myself and Primecuts were standing at the back of the room watching Q-Bert and a girl came up to him and asked 'Do you know if the Scratch Perverts are on next?'.
Little did she know she was actually asking a Scratch Pervert. Oh the funny drunken Fabric youth of today eh.

1 comment:

mysteriousal said...

whoops.missed you guys. no more boozing.